  Nightmare Strategies
  Character Builds
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Character Builds

For my current (version 1.03) character builds, tactics and equipment
check out the last 3 minutes of my latest video:

The Shadow-Assassin Part 2 - All That Remains

Character Builds version 1.02 => outdated

In this section I'm gonna suggest character builds. I'm not saying they are the best or it won't work as well with other builds. Of course many talents are a matter of taste, like if you prefer the Speed buff over Power or Precision .
It's just supposed to be a little compendium of what worked best for me after trying several things on many Nightmare runs.



I start off putting all points in Dexterity to wear decent daggers as soon as possible (24 Dex needed). Cunning and Constitution are also important, I don't invest into Willpower.
Once I reached 40 Cunning and 25 Constitution during act 3, I skilled only Dexterity.
For a little orientation: At the end of act 2 I had 41 Dex, 36 Cun, 20 Con. Everything else base stats.


I use neither area damage (e.g. Bursting Arrow or Rigged Decoy) nor any disorientating skills (Miasmic Flask) due to the friendly fire risk. And fortunatley we don't need them at all.
I don't use buffs at the early game due to the limited stamina pool.

First we decorate our Duel Wield tree before we specialize on Assassin at Level 7 and later Duelist at Level 14.

Assuming you use a Maker's Sigh potion at LVL  6 the talents could look like that:

Act 1

1.    Backstab
2.    Unforgiving Chain
3.    Explosive Strike
4.    Backstab 
Upgrade: Perforate
Twin Fangs
Mark of Death => Specialization: Assassin
7.2  Back-to-Ba
(Use Tome of Technique)
8.    Bloodlust
9.    Pinpoint Strikes
10.  Assassinate 
(the reason to choose the Assassinate tree! Use it to one-hit dangerous enemies, such as rogues, poisonous spiders, mages, arcane horrors or simply enemies who are bothering one of your squishy companions)
11.   Follow-Through

12.   Devious Harm 

Act 2

Stealth  (useful if the rogue drew a little too much attention)
Parry  =>Specialization: Duelist
Throw the Gauntlet (Extra skill if you deal with the demon in Night Terrors)
Vendetta   (Use Elexir of physical Technique)
Twin Fangs Upgrade
15.    Assassinate Upgrade 1: Annihilate (this one plus upgraded Petrify can one-hit Lieutanants, Rage Demons, Desire Demons and Stens. Nice!)
16.    Parry  Upgrade: En Garde: (You have to rebuff to get the 10% crit bonus!)
Assassinate Upgrade 2: Overkill
18.    Vendetta  Upgrade

Act 3

21.    Speed
23.    Speed Upgrade 2
24.    Speed Upgrade 3
25.     Mark of Death  Upgrade 2: Mark of Doom
26.    Mark of Death  Upgrade 2: Enduring Mark



This is easy, 50:50 on Magic and Constitution right from the start.
Don't waste a point in Willpower.


Pick up Horror and go straight Primal. The bonus you get from Galvanism is priceless.
I used to skill fully upgraded Arcane Shield on my previous runs. It's not really necessary to boost her Defense and Resistances unless you plan to play Merrill as an offtank. The bonus for the entire party is 5% on Defense and Resistance. Overall not really worth 3 skill points that early in the game.

Act 1

1.   Horror
Chain Lightning
3.   Stonefist
Rock Armor
5.   Chain Lightning Upgrade
6.   Petrify
7.   Tempest
Petrify Upgrade
9.   Galvanism
Blood of the First (I only activate it if she's out of mana.)
11.  Mindblast

12.  Barrier

Act 2

Crushing Prison
14.  Crushing Prison Upgrade
Barrier  Upgrade
Elemental Weapons (great skill. I just can't seem to squeeze it in earlier)
17.  Arcane Shield
18.  Arcane Shield
Upgrade 1
Arcane Shield Upgrade 2

Act 3

17.  Wrath of the Elvhen
Wounds of the Past (the tooltip says physical damage, but it actually does elemental damage depending on the staff Merrill is wearing. I activate Blood of the First all the time now.)
19.  Wounds of the Past Upgrade
23.  Stonefist
Wrath of the Elvhen Upgrade 1: Loss of the Dales
25.  Ensnare
Wrath of the Elvhen Upgrade 2: Arlathans Grace



I go almost straight for Cunning so he's got 40 at the start of act 2, for
there will already be Master Chests and Master Traps. Every now and then a point into Dexterity and Constitution.
Once he reaches 40 Cunning I concentrate mainly on Dexterity.
When Act 2 started I had 40 Cunning, 17 Dexterity and 15 Constitution.


I prefer passive abilities because I don't micromanage Varric unless I have to move him away from an attacker. His area damage and his sabotaging abilites do friendly fire and thus need a lot of micromanagement. So I always concentrate his skills on Marksman and Specialist.
Of course an upgraded Archer's Lance with two Mages on the team being able to brittle enemies is a powerful damage spell. I will try it on my next run.

Speed, Precision and Power are all three excellent buffs. On my last run I started off with Precision and ended up with fully upgraded Speed.

Act 1

1.   Prescision
2.   Blindside
3.   Pinning Shot  
6.   Subtlety
7.   Rhyming Triplets

8.   Kickback
9.   Bianca's Song
11. Follow-Through
12. Well-Oiled

Act 2

13. Bianca's Song Upgrade
14. Overtime
Rhyming Triplets Upgrade
16. Kickback Upgrade
Pinning Shot Upgrade: Rapid Pinning Shot
18. Speed
19. Power
20. Harmony

Act 3

21. Speed
Upgrade 1 (I buff Speed now, attack is long maxed and crit pretty high, too)
22. Speed
Upgrade 2
Evade Upgrade (you have to stand with your back to the enemy for an effective stun)
24. Stealth Upgrade: Camouflage
25. Autolevelup
26. Autolevelup



Magic has the highest priority, nevertheless willpower and constitution must not be neglected.
At the End of Act 2 I had 39 Magic, 25 Will and 25 Constitution.


Anders is obviously a Healer but
I wouldn't upgrade Heal until you don't know where else to put your points. Our companions don't have much health early in game and as Anders' Magic attribute raises his heals get better, too.
On my last run I played without revive because I managed to keep all allies alive. However I wouldn't necessarily recommend that, so I strongly suggest to get his revival skill "Regroup" before fighting the Ancient Rock Wraith.

Act 1

1.   Heal

2.   Heroic Aura
Chain Lightning
4.   Stone Fist
5.   Chain Lightning Upgrade
6.   Rock Armor
7.   Panacea 

8.   Aid Allies
9.   Heroic Aura Upgrade 
10. Haste
11. Regroup
12. Petrify

Act 2

13. Tempest
14. Petrify
Upgrade  (one more chance to get an enemy BRITTLE. Always look for the symbol before assassinating. If it doesn't proc, try Merrill's Petrify.)
15. Galvanism
16. Haste
17. Vengance
(going for Swift Justice, I'd never activate Vengance)
18. Swift Justice 
(Vengance doesn't need to be activated for reduced cooldowns!)
Heal Upgrade

Act 3

Stonefist Upgrade
Tempest Upgrade
23. Blood of My Enemy
24. Elemental Weapons
25. Autolevelup
26. Autolevelup


Since many players don't want to miss a real tank, especially on their first play throughs, I'm gonna introduce Aveline as an alternative companion.
If you plan to play with her all the way I'd suggest to kick Varric since his tasks and duties are more than covered by Hawke.
With that build, Aveline is able to tank Xebenkeck and her 4 Rage Demons for several minutes. It served me overall very well on Nightmare.


It's mainly 50:50 on Constitution and Strength. Some points in stamina since 2-3 buffs will drain her stamina pool. But for the occasional Shield Bash it should always be enough.
At Level 15 I had 32 Strength, 31 Constitution and 15 Willpower.


Aveline's job is pretty obvious: She can stagger, taunt and take a lot of beating. The upgraded Shield Bash is a key talent. Due to its short cooldown, you've got a guranteed STAGGER effect every 10 seconds. With two mages and two Chain Lightnings in your team, you can take advantage of that effect quite frequently.

Once I get Battle Synergy I try to move the entire party as a pack so that everyone profits from the damage reduction and threat transfer.
Just be careful with talents like Shield Bash or Scatter, for they can hurt your other party members.

Act 1

1. Shield Defense
2. Taunt
3. Shield Bash
4. Turn the Blade
5. Perception
6. Shield Bash Upgrade
7. Scatter
8. Rally
9. Battle Synergy
10. Battle Synergy Upgrade 1
11. Battle Synergy Upgrade 2
12. Safeguard

Act 2

13. Shield Defense Upgrade
14. Bolster
15. Deep Reserves
16. Immovable
17. Indominatable
18. Thick Skin
19. Turn the Blade
Upgrade 1
20. Turn the Blade
Upgrade 2

Act 3

21. Elemental Aegis
22. Resolute
23. Stonewall
24. Adamant
25. Stonewall
26. Resilience

Other Companions:

For the companion quests we must take our other comrades into our group.
I usually let them replace Varric.


I skill her like Hawke. Two DW rogues is actually quite fun.
Unfortunatley Isabela has neither Assassinate nor Vendetta so she will
never be more than a smaller, more harmless version of our Hawke DW Rogue.


I take her until level 7 to replace her finally with Anders then.
I don't waste a Maker's Sigh potion on Bethany so I'm stuck with Fireball. Furthermore: Heal, Heroic Aura, Mind Blast, Barrier, Crushing Prison and finally Heroic Aura Upgrade.


Contrary to Bethany and Isabel, Fenris is an excellent character. 
His Fugitive Skill Tree combines the the best passive talents from the Berserker and Reaver specialization. The Lyrium Ghost buff is very powerful, too. The talents from the Two-Handed and Vanguard trees complete a very effective Fenris-Build.

Unfortunately, Fenris' strikes aren't only lethal for our enemies. His special talents like "Mighty Blow" are able to knock even the hardest Aveline off her feet. In my opinion he's not the most ideal partner to stand beside our rogue Hawke and smash on the same target.
If I play with Aveline, Hawke gets a Shield Bash every now and then and lies staggered on the floor. While this is annoying it's not necessarily lethal in most cases.
If you position yourself badly next to Fenris on the other hand, the worst case scenario could look like this:

This kinda gives the word "Annihilate" quite a new meaning.

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