Merchants and Goods |
I made a list of all the items I purchased throughout the game.
I also bought all armor upgrades for those companions I didn't use.

Merchants Act 1:
Docks, Shady Merchant: Cruel Dagger (+6 damage vs. humans makes it a great dagger. You'll be fighting a lot of them during act 1.)
Lowtown, Lirene's Fereldan Imports: Tarnished Dagger
Lowtown, Weaponsmith: Thrice-Bound (note: only necessary if you decide to play without Varric in your group to disarm and open stuff!)
High Town, Jean Luc: Backpack
Lowtown, Apparal Shop: Backpack, Varric Armor Upgrade
Gallows, Mage Goods: The Turncoat's Walking Stick (redundant if you use Staff of Parlathan)
Lowtown, Trinkets Emporium: Amulet of Influence
Lowtown, Armorer: Aveline Armor Upgrade
Lowtown, Lirene's Fereldan Imports: Design: Rune of Frost
The Dark Emporium: 4x Maker's Sigh Potion, Sturdy Belt
The Gallows, Weapons Shop: Rune of Fire (I put one in Bianca)
The Gallows, Mage Goods: Rune of Lightning Warding (before entering the Deep Roads put this one in Varric's armor)
Hightown, Hubert: Tome of Technique
Docks (Night), disused Passage, Bonny Lem: Enchanted Silverite Chain, Staff of the Primal Order, Thunderpucker's Fist (only if Aveline is a full member of your group)
Merchants Act 2:
Hightown, Jean Luc: Backpack, Armor Upgrades for Merrill, Fenris, Isabela
Gallows, Mage Goods: Backpack, Armor Upgrade Anders
Lowtown, Armor Merchant: Armor Upgrade for Aveline
Lowtown, Trinket's Emporium: Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel
Lowtown, Apparel Shop: Isabela Armor Upgrade
Lowtown, Lirene's Fereldan Imports: Anders Armor Upgrade, Tear of Ferelden
Sundermount, Master Ilen's Shop: Tome of Technique, Merrill Armor Upgrade
The Dark Emporium: Elixir of Physical Technique, Greater Elixir of the Mortal Vessel, Dull Brass Amulet, The Fallen Star
Other interesting trinkets:
Etched Ring of the Twins
perfect for a tanking 2H Warrior. But unless you want to go for maximal critical damage not really worth the mony for our rogue.
Puzzle Ring of the Black Fox
Also way too expensive in my opinion.
Bonus to lockpicking is useless because you need to disarm traps, too.
Stealth Boots
Good: Great boost for stats and critical damage.
Bad: Expensive, erases your set bonus (= -3 Dexterity)
Elixir of Arcane Technique
Grants one ability for a mage, available at Black Emporium.
Merchants Act 3:
Hightown, Jean Luc: Backpack
Hightown, Korval's Blade: Qunari Sword, Tome of Arcane Vessel (+3 attribute points for Hawke)
The Gallows, Weapon Shop: Qunari Sword
Lowtown, Weaponsmithy: Qunari Sword
Docks, Bonny Lem: Four-Fingered Eddie's Lucky Talisman (very expensive, but I had coin to spare, so I bought it for Varric)
The Wounded Coast, Magnus's Wares: Seven Deadly Cinch
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