Videos |
Video Samples
I tried to record some representative fights between Level 7 and 24 that are usually considered to be very hard, to show that this party set up really works quite well.
All fight include the companions, builds and items suggested in this guide.
Most videos are watchable in 720p HD.
Ancient Rock Wraith - 1.35 Minutes
Xebenkeck - Forbidden Knowledge
The Shadow-Assassin - Rogue tanks Nightmare - Level 7-24
The Shadow-Assassin Part 2 - All That Remains
Examples for Aveline as tank:
Ancient Rock Wraith
The following videos are version 1.02 and thus outdated
Level 7 - Tranquility
Normally you would kill the lieutanant in the end but you won't be able to loot him for the codex entry before the cut scene starts. Thus I let one regular Templar live.
Level 7 - Danzig
Nothing special, just two mages for a change.
Tactics are set to all special moves on Archers.
Level 10 - Ship Captains - "Secret Rendezvous"
Really short and easy fight at level 10, once you have assassinate.
Level 12 - Ancient Rock Wraith
A rather boring 9 minutes fight. The only highlight: Varric's backflip right into the Rock Wraith.
Level 15 - Brekker (Inside Job)
A classic and the reference among rogue fights.
Level 17 - The crazed Loner - Sundermount Graveyard Act 2
One mage, two rogues, an Arcane Horror and some archers make this fight a really good rumble.
Level 19 - Nexus Golem Room
Most players consider this fight a nightmare on nightmare.
For our rogue set up it's more like a walk in the park.
Level 24 - Rogue "tanks" Hybris
Not the most exciting fight in the world. But then again, which fight is in act 3? Once our party reached ~22, the group is pretty much unstoppable.
Examples for Aveline as tank:
Level 15 - Aveline tanks Stonegolem, Revenenant and Rage Demon
Normally a quest I wouldn't recommend doing before Level 17. But Aveline's Battle Synergy is taking quite some damage and threat from those squishy characters.
Level 18 - Aveline tanks Vaterral
The fight got a bit hectic in between, hence some wrong decisions of mine throughout the fight. But overall a not too hard boss encounter.
Level 19 - Xebenkeck - "Forbidden Knowledge" Quest
Without doubt the hardest fight in the game. And the only one I needed a warrior and the Dog. Unless I use the easy work around: Pull the demons out of the room.
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